Internal Seminar: Demographic Status of Adult Leukemia Patients

Mr. Harmand Ali,  Head of the Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University , gave an in-depth overview of the demographics of adult leukemia patients in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, on September 11th, 2023.

Leukemia is cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system, affecting the bone marrow and blood. Understanding the patient demographics can help us better understand the prevalence and effects of this condition. Adult leukemia patients in Sulaymaniyah, a Region of Iraq identified for its varied population, were the subject of Mr. Harmand’s study.

According to Mr. Ali’s study, adult leukemia can affect people of different ages in a variety of demographics. Although older individuals are more likely to have it diagnosed, incidences of it in younger people have also been documented.

According to his study, adult leukemia can affect people of different ages in a variety of  groups. Although elderly individuals are more likely diagnosed to have it, cases of it have also been observed in younger people. Gender Distribution is one of the factors that Mr. Harmand  focused in his research, also looked at how leukemia patients’ genders were distributed. Despite the fact that both men and women may get leukemia, statistics show that its slightly greater among men,  and Geographical Variation was also another important factor,  Sulaymaniyah’s unique geographic location within the Kurdistan Region of Iraq led to interesting findings. His research suggested that the incidence of leukemia varied within different areas of Sulaymaniyah.

As a conclusion ,  Mr. Harmand’s  study of the demographics of adult leukemia patients in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, provides important new information about this crucial healthcare issue. His research advances our knowledge of leukemia in this area by looking at age, gender and  location. These results will act as a starting point for more study and the creation of focused interventions to enhance the lives of leukemia patients in Sulaymaniyah.