In collaboration with the Kurdistan Astronomical Organization, the Physics Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University (TIU) organized International Astronomical Day event on October 29th, 2023. The event was an opportunity for astronomy amateurs, students, and experts to impart their wisdom and passion for astronomy to the broader public. The event aimed to familiarise participants with the astronomical aspects and set up astronomical telescopes in front of the Faculty of Education to observe the sun surface and sun surface activities such as sunspots, solar flares, and solar prominence.

The event began with speeches presented by Mr. Azhy Chato Hasan, Mr. Harem Omar Kakil from the Kurdistan Astronomical Organization to share their experiences with us. Also, our student, Mr. Muhammed Abdulaziz, participated in the event with his own telescope. During the event, Dr. Dogan Ozdemir, who serves as the Dean of Student at the Faculty of Education participated in this event and he enthusiastically encouraged student involvement in other departments. Further to this, our guests received plaque and appreciation certificates from the Dean of Students at the Faculty of Education, and from Dr. Pshtiwan Akrem, Head of the Physics Education Department. We would like to thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Ismail Musa for supervising the students and organizing this event.