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So far gasheen bakhtiyar has created 127 blog entries.

Maximizing your Opportunities: A Workshop on the Erasmus Program and International Scholarships


Maximizing your Opportunities: A Workshop on the Erasmus Program and International Scholarships The Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University is pleased to announce the upcoming national workshop "Maximizing your Opportunities: A National Workshop on Erasmus Program and International Scholarships". This workshop is designed to provide students with information on how to take advantage of the opportunities available through the Erasmus Program and other international scholarships. The Erasmus Program is a European Union initiative that offers students the opportunity to study or train in another European country, while international scholarships offer similar opportunities for students to [...]

Maximizing your Opportunities: A Workshop on the Erasmus Program and International Scholarships2023-06-01T13:16:39+00:00

2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences: Exploring the Role of Biomedical Engineering in Biological Advances


2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences: Exploring the Role of Biomedical Engineering in Biological Advances The 2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences recently took place on May 8th as part of the 9th ICOWOABAS Conference, held at  Dedeman Hotel. The workshop aimed to delve into the intersection of biomedical engineering and biological advancements, shedding light on the pivotal role this interdisciplinary field plays in shaping our understanding and applications in the realm of biologics. Distinguished keynote speakers from esteemed academic institutions graced the occasion, sharing their profound expertise and insights. Among them was Prof. Dr. Hesham [...]

2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences: Exploring the Role of Biomedical Engineering in Biological Advances2023-06-01T13:32:47+00:00

Graduation Photo-Taking Day


Graduation Photo-Taking Day The Dean of Students at Tishk International University organized the much-awaited Photo-Taking Day Event on the 5th and 6th of May, 2023. The event brought together numerous departments from 8 faculties. On a beautiful spring day, the Biology Department at Tishk International University celebrated their graduation photo taking day, honouring the hard work and dedication of their students who have achieved a significant milestone in their academic journey. The event was a joyous occasion, with the students and their families gathering together to take photos and celebrate the momentous occasion. The Biology Department graduates have achieved a great accomplishment, [...]

Graduation Photo-Taking Day2023-06-01T14:11:08+00:00

National Workshop on Biological Instruments: As Tools for Educational Development


National Workshop on Biological Instruments: As Tools for Educational Development In collaboration with Al Iraq Al-Nahed Company, the Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University, hosted the National Workshop on Biological Instruments: Tools for Educational Development, held on May 4th, 2023. The workshop brought together experts in the field of biology to discuss and demonstrate various laboratory equipment used in biological research and teaching. The workshop included a series of lectures and practical sessions on different lab equipment, including incubators, autoclaves, hematocrits, photosynthesis meters, and other new equipment. The expert presenters explained the proper procedures for using each [...]

National Workshop on Biological Instruments: As Tools for Educational Development2023-06-01T14:17:38+00:00

2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences


2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences: Exploring the Role of Biomedical Engineering in Biological Advances International Workshop The Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University is delighted to announce that the 2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences: Exploring the Role of Biomedical Engineering in Biological Advances will take place on May 8th, as part of the 9th ICOWOABAS Conference, at the Dedeman Hotel. The workshop aims to explore the intersection of Biomedical Engineering and Biological Sciences, and how these fields can work together to drive progress and innovation in the healthcare sector. The focus will [...]

2nd International Workshop on Biologics and Biomedical Sciences2023-05-07T15:40:48+00:00

National Workshop on Biological Instruments: As Tools for Educational Development


In collaboration with Al Iraq Al-Nahed Company, the Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University, is thrilled to announce the upcoming National Workshop on Biological Instruments: As Tools for Educational Development, which will take place on April 27th at Laboratory Building Lab-311. This workshop is designed to bring together instrument experts, lecturers, and students to discuss the use of biological instruments as tools for educational development. The Workshop on Biological Instruments will feature a range of presentations and hands-on sessions led by experts in the field. Participants will learn about various topics related to biological instruments, including microscopy, autoclaving, photosynthesis system, portable leaf [...]

National Workshop on Biological Instruments: As Tools for Educational Development2023-05-07T15:37:00+00:00

6th International Festival of Language, Cultural & Science


6th International Festival of Language, Cultural & Science The Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University recently participated in the 6th International Festival of Language, Cultural & Science hosted by Tishk International University. The department showcased its presence in two separate tents, namely the scientific and cultural tents. The cultural tent, representing Japan, won the first-place title in the country tent competition. This festival is an annual event that provides a platform for countries worldwide to display their unique cultural traditions and customs. Japan's tent was decorated with beautiful cherry blossom decorations, a wonderful sight to witness. [...]

6th International Festival of Language, Cultural & Science2023-06-01T12:14:20+00:00

Exploring Chordates: A Zoo Field Trip with 4th Grade University Students


On March 9th, a group of 4th grade of Tishk international university students Biology education department embarked on an exciting field trip to the local zoo as part of their Chordate course. Chordates, a group of animals that includes fish, birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians, are a diverse and fascinating group that is essential to the study of biology. The zoo is an excellent place to learn about chordates and observe them in their natural habitats. The students had the opportunity to observe various species of animals, from the majestic elephants to the playful monkeys. They also had a chance to [...]

Exploring Chordates: A Zoo Field Trip with 4th Grade University Students2023-05-08T15:57:31+00:00

Winning the Education Faculty Football Tournament


Winning the Education Faculty Football Tournament The Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University has won the final match in the Education Faculty Football Tournament, successfully overcoming its competitors to claim the top prize. The tournament was organized to promote physical fitness and healthy competition among various departments of the university. The Biology Education Department team, comprised of 2nd, 3rd and 4th-grade students, demonstrated their skill and teamwork throughout the tournament. In the final match, they faced off against the formidable team from the Physics Education Department. It was a thrilling match, with both teams displaying impressive tactics and techniques. By the end, the Biology [...]

Winning the Education Faculty Football Tournament2023-07-24T07:10:07+00:00
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