Continuous waste production is one of the most threatening factors of life on Earth due to its
harmful effect, which causes a lot of problems, such as pollution, global warming, affecting natural
sources, and the spread of diseases. It is our duty as biologists to maintain the Earth’s natural resources
for future generations and to educate people about the importance of sustainability of these sources
through waste management. This can be done through the reduce, reuse, and recycle principle (3R).
However, some communities are lacking knowledge about the 3R principles as well as the
impact of this waste on the environment. Therefore, the aim of this project is to help to educate
people and spread awareness about solutions for managing these wastes using the 3R concept.

As the second step of this project was under the title of ” Visiting schools” on April 20, 2022, the Biology Education Department of Tishk International University held the second round of the Social Community Project. Students from different grades were chosen to visit a school and give presentations about the environment (Keep it clean, keep it comfort), Two of the volunteer students, Roya Raauf and Avan Saadi,  presented their awareness presentation at Nilufer girls high school to 10th-grade students. in attendance, there were about 25 students and the presentation lasted about 10 min,

The aim of the presentation was to give students awareness about how to keep their environment clean and how to motivate others to do so. furthermore, the students were so active and shared their opinion about the topic.