Presentation on Lead Acetate and Cardiovascular System

On October 19th Mrs. Zhikal Omer, Assistant Lecturer at the Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education at Tishk International University presented a fruitful presentation for biology staff under the title “Lead Acetate and Cardiovascular System”.  Lead is a common environmental contaminant that can produce several acute and chronic diseases. According to various populational studies, there is a significant association between lead exposure and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, particularly hypertension. Lead exposure is involved in cardiovascular disease in various mechanisms, which are stimulating oxidative stress, restrictive NO accessibility, rising the secretion of endothelin, modifying the renin-angiotensin system, disturbing vascular smooth muscle Ca2+ signalling, falling endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, and changing the vascular response to vasoactive agonists.