Tishk International University

Faculty of Education

Biology Education Department

International Workshop on

“I’m a Plant Breeder”

On November 18th and 19th, 2021

The Biology Department of the Faculty of Education at Tishk International University, in collaboration with Sultan Zain-Al-Abidin University, has organized an International Workshop to be held online, on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th, November 2021,  entitled “I’m a Plant Breeder “.

Event Agenda
Online (during the event)Registration
Opening Ceremony at Online by Dr. Salmah Mohamed –  University Sultan Zainal Abidin
Introducing the Event
National Anthem both
Promotional Videos
Welcome Speech by Dr. John Tang Yew Huat, Dean Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry,  Terengganu, Malaysia,  Sultan Zain-Al-Abidin University
Welcome Speech by Mr. Harmand A. Ali, Head of Biology Department, Tishk International University
Speaker 1:  Mr. German Mingramm Yarza-  Green world Genetics Sdn.Bhd

Title:  I’m a Plant Breeder, and Why I became.


Speaker 1:  Mr. German Mingramm Yarza-  Green world Genetics Sdn.Bhd


Title:  Plant Breeding challenges and advancements.


Date and Time

18th Nov 2021, Thursday , 7 pm -8pm (Mexico)

19th Nov 2021, Friday , 9 am -10 am (Malaysia)

19th Nov 2021, Friday , 4 am -5 am (Iraq)

The workshop will be hosted by two international speakers as shown below:

Dr. Salmah Mohamed –  University Sultan Zainal Abidin

Mr. German Mingramm Yarza-  Green world Genetics sdn.Bhd