Dear ELT 2,3 and 4 students, registration for the AY 2022-2023 spring semester has started, read the following instructions and proceed with the procedures:

  • The Spring Term Registration will continue this week.
  • The Spring Term Registration will end on Feb 2nd.
  • You will start taking classes on Jan 29th.

Therefore you are advised to complete your registration before the ending date to avoid conflicts.


To complete your registration please follow the following steps:

  1. Visit the Accounting Office in the Main Building (Office 140) to proceed with your tuition fee payment.
  2. Make sure that the accountant has activated your account after the payment.
  3. You must take the courses that you need/required to take from the students’ SIS system for the Spring Semester.
  4. You need to contact your supervisors to complete/approve the registration and you are all set.