Acknowledging Remarkable Contributions: Dr. Muhammed Sideeq Shine in Organizing 10th NAYREC and Mr. Aahmed Ali recreating 10th NAYREC Website


 Tishk International University Extends Gratitude for Exemplary Dedication and Innovation.

Tishk International University extends heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Muhammed Sideeq for his outstanding dedication in hosting and organizing the 10th National Young Researchers Conference (NAYREC), and to Mr. Ahmad Ali for his remarkable work in recreating the event website! Your hard work and commitment have truly elevated the event experience. Thank you both for your exceptional contributions.

Tishk International University | computer-education Department

The flawless organization of the 10th NAYREC conference was made possible in large part by the extraordinary leadership and unceasing work of Dr. Muhammad Sideeq. Dr. Sideeq was the driving force behind the event and showed unrelenting passion and dedication, directing all aspects of the coordination and planning process with accuracy and knowledge. Young researchers in engineering and computers were able to collaborate, innovate, and share information in a vibrant and enriching conference environment thanks in large part to his vision, direction, and attention to detail.

Furthermore, the outstanding job done by Mr. Ahmad Ali in reconstructing the event website is a prime example of how creativity and ingenuity can elevate the conference experience. Mr. Ali made the event website user-friendly by bringing necessary information, making registration easier, and encouraging participation with his creative approach and technological expertise. His dedication to quality and flexibility in responding to changing requirements were crucial to the conference’s online presence’s success.

In addition to improving the 10th NAYREC conference, Dr. Muhammad Sideeq and Mr. Ahmad Ali’s contributions have highlighted Tishk International University’s dedication to promoting excellence, creativity, and teamwork in the field. Their commitment and diligence are an inspiration to both participants and colleagues, exemplifying the leadership, professionalism, and academic excellence principles of the university.

We at Tishk International University sincerely thank Dr. Muhammad Sideeq and Mr. Ahmad Ali for their outstanding contributions to the 10th NAYREC conference’s success. Their persistent dedication, originality, and inventiveness have greatly enhanced the event’s lasting influence on the academic world and left an enduring impression.
