
Competition Debate of 2018


As a constant part of the students’ activities, motivations and projects, the Faculty of Education in the University of Tishk International has hold a series of debates under the name of The Competition Debate of 2018. Starting from the 7th February, the debate was finalized on the 1st March 2018. The competition contained 16 volunteer groups from the departments of ELT, Physics, Biology, and Math. The topics of the debate were  controversial and arguable . They tackled plenty of cultural, intellectual, political, educational and scientific issues, problems, and discussions of the Kurdish community specifically and the globe generally. Within such an activity, the [...]

Competition Debate of 20182018-05-07T11:26:53+00:00

Visit Your Future


Tishk International University has organized a new program for the 12-year high schools inside Erbil city. All of the high schools were invited to attend the event which was arranged for the first time under the title of “Visit Your Future’. This event took place on February 20-22, 2018 inside the campus of Tishk International University. All of the departments prepared their own stand to introduce and show the project of their student’s department. Each student was registered and received stationary of Tishk International as a small gift. A couple of Seminars were presented each day for all students.About 850 students [...]

Visit Your Future2018-05-07T11:27:36+00:00

An Orientation program from Biology department


Biology department welcomed the first grade students. On November 23rd, 2017 the department organized an orientation program. Mr.Aydin Col head of Biology department gave them welcome speech to the freshmen students, after that Mr.Harmand Ali Research Assistant at Biology department presented a presentation about Biology Department, he introduced the department and the activities that were done and will be done by the department yearly. The orientation was concluded by Research Assistant Miss Gasheen Bakhtiyar’s Seminar. She talked about the Biology Department Administration such as Course Registration, Grading, What they can do when they may face a problem? Petition, and how to [...]

An Orientation program from Biology department2018-05-07T11:34:16+00:00

Plant sample collection exhibition


Biology Education 2nd grade students have collected plant sample and they have prepared this samples for herbarium. This plant collection has showed and explained by this students to the visitors. Biology Education 2nd grade students gave information about this plants, their environment , their classificaton and their usage in our life.

Plant sample collection exhibition2023-10-08T10:43:01+00:00
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